Musical Stories & Plays Age 7 - 9 |

Dramatic Cantatas & Musical Plays for Schools
Age 8 - 13 |
Full length Musicals
Lin Marsh
Score including guitar chords M007A £9.50
Melody Parts M007 £2.95 each
M007B instrumental Parts £2.50 each
More cross curricular SCIENCE
Cross curricular 7 - 9 |
Along Came Man
A 30 minute dramatic cantata for 2 & 3 part treble voices, 2 soloists, narrator & piano with optional instrumental parts for violin, viola or clarinet and cello with scope to improvise guitar & percussion parts from the score. The Spirit of the Earth and the Dodo appeal to the children of the Earth to help prevent Mans destruction of the environment. The music is outstanding and Lins sensitive use of language captures everyones imagination. There is ample scope for the production of this cantata to be combined with project work on the environment and for the inclusion of dance, costume and lighting effects.
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Lin Marsh
Score with pipe part and guitar chords M012A £ 9.90
Melody parts
M012/ch £2.95 |
Song of the Earth
A dramatic cantata based on the story of the Emperor and the Nightingale for narrator, unison, 2 & 3 part treble voices with piano plus a part for pipe, recorder or flute. A magical tale made relevant to the lives of children today - well up to Lins usual high standard. There is scope to use solo voices for some of the songs.
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Lin Marsh
Score with guitar chords M016 £ 10.90
Melody parts; m016/ch £2.95 |
Tom Hickathrift
Based on a Norfolk legend, Tom Hickathrift was commissioned by Keswick Young Voices who gave the first performance in February 1998. A 30 minute dramatic cantata for narrator and 2 and 3 part treble voices with piano. Lin Marsh has a special rapport with children.. enabling (them) to become fully involved enthusiastically with great enjoyment and to great effect (David Burton)
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Lin Marsh
Score with guitar chords M009A £ 9.90
M009 melody part £2.95
M009B instrumental parts £2.50 each |
Starship 92
A space adventure in which East and West learn that co-operation is a much better thing for the planet than war. For narrator with 2 & 3 part treble voices with piano and optional instrumental parts for violin, viola or clarinet and cello with scope to improvise guitar & percussion parts from the score.
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Lin Marsh
Score with guitar chords M008A £ 8.90
M008 melody part £2.50 |
A musical tale of chivalry set in the time of King Arthur for narrator, unison and 2 part treble voices with piano. There is plenty of scope for dramatic effects and solo voices can be used for some of the songs.
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Peter K. Morrell
Score with guitar chords M004A £ 8.90
melody part M004 £2.95 |
Guy of Warwick
A dramatic cantata for narrator, unison, 2 & 3 part voices with piano which tells the story of Guy - a tale of chivalry - albeit tongue in cheek in jazz style. Some of the songs are suitable for solo voices.
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Sidney Pavey
Score with piano part M002A £ 7.90
Script M002 £1.60
instrumental parts M002B £1.90 each |
Otter Bay
A music drama telling the tale of pirates, treasure, treachery and the saving of the sea otters. Unison and 2 part treble voices with piano and optional instrumental parts.
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Primary 7 - 9
David Athol
Score M014A £8.90
Cassette M014/c £5.87
Story Book M014 £3.85 |
The Big Bad Wolf
"The Big Bad Wolf .. is absolutely brilliant. The children had an excellent time .. the production is fantastic". (Headteacher - St. Joseph's Primary, Durham). The well-known story in cantata form. The cassette has a performance and backing tracks.
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Lin Marsh & Ben Marsh
Book with music, story and CD including 14p VAT M015cd £ 12.90 |
Penny The Raindrop
The story is based on the water cycle (key stages 1 & 2 science) and, as an added bonus, the songs can be performed with narration as a dramatic cantata. The book comes complete with CD performance by Lin Marsh with orchestrations by Ben Marsh of all the songs and backing tracks for use when a pianist is not available.
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Jon Wakefield 'n' Dave Quick
JS036 £14.90
JS036/P £32.50
extra copies pro rata
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Munchin' 'n' Crunchin'
Music, CD 'n' Drawings by Jon Wakefield Song words 'n' Science by Dave Quick
Can you cope with:
Wee beasties with attitude?
Cabbages with street cred?
Food on the move?
They'll love the songs so much they'll hardly notice they're learning KS2 science. The science is good fun too - and the songs are just right for the school concert.
The teachers' book has the music - easy piano with optional guitar chords, a CD with performances and backing tracks to all 7 songs and science notes with suggested experiments and activities. Order no. JS036 £14.90
The pupil books have the melody lines, song words and basic science notes with cartoon illustrations and diagrams by Jon Wakefield
7 songs FOOD CHAIN, CABBAGE SONG, OXYGEN, CATERPILLAR, SLUG, LADYBIRD LARVA & BLACKBIRD are all topic related and,with science notes providing a starting point, leave you firmly in control of the depth of the follow up. A novel way to teach the science requirements of KS2.
Dave has researched pupils' retention of science taught in conjunction with songs and discovered that, even after a gap of two years, the songs are remembered and the basics understood. Dave's research methods have been adopted by Ofsted.
Contact Dave to discuss this further but beware, he can wax very lyrical.
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Gordon Dale
piano score with instrumental parts M006A £ 8.90; pupil parts M006 £2.50; extra instrumental parts M006B £1.20 each
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African Folk-Tale
A 20 minute musical play from a traditional tale written by William Bayne Cole with narration and songs for unison treble voices with piano and optional instruments (percussion and recorders). Some songs can be sung as solos. |
Lin Marsh music & songs
Caroline Astell-Burt - story, illustrations, teaching & puppet making notes.
piano score with CD M017/CD £12.90
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Big Maggot and the Butterflies
A lovely story for Key Stage 1 told in narration and 7 songs in which Maggot is transformed and cured of her antisocial behaviour. There is a CD with a performance and backing tracks sung by Lin Marsh with her daughter Tasha playing the accompaniment & backing tracks. The piece can be used in the classroom where singing the songs will lead naturally to class discussions about what is acceptable behaviour and the feelings which cause poor behaviour. There is scope to perform the whole piece with simple puppets - instructions by Caroline Astell-Burt are included - using either the backing tracks or your own pianist.
Arnold F. Ford
Score with 6 instrumental parts M003A £ 9.90 ;pupil scripts M003 £1.20 each |
The Wooden Horse Chestnut
A pantomime style musical play which tells the Horse of Troy story. Great fun for all with lots of small parts which are easy to learn. Piano accompaniment plus easy optional instrumental parts for recorders and percussion. |
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Full Length Musicals
Keith Banks & Keith Wright
Score M005A £ 10.90
Script M005 £4.90
Band set M005B £50 |
A two act musical for secondary schools and societies. The story of Dic Penderyn and the workers rising in Merthyr Tydfil in 1831. There are 23 named characters of which 6 can be doubled, 20 male and 3 female. Accompaniment by piano with optional band parts.
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Alan Jones & Peter Wallace
Score spiral bound M010A £13.90
Script M010 £5.95 ea.
Band set M010B £35 |
The Pied Piper
A two act musical based on Brownings poem brilliantly updated. Suitable for school groups and societies. No single part makes excessive demands on the performer. Accompanied by piano or a band set is available.
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Tony Weston & Ron Ward
score spiral bound M001A £12.90
Script M001 £6.95
Band set M001B £35 |
A two act musical based on Dickens A Christmas Carol. Written for adult societies and secondary school groups, Humbug! has also proved popular with younger groups. The music is a delight ... excellent entertainment. A minimum of 12 performers is required with 4 male, 3 female and 2 treble singing roles. Accompaniment by piano or a band set is available.
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Jon Wakefield &
Dave Quick
Teachers pack containing score, synthesiser part, scientific notes, costume ideas, performance notes and cassette with full performance by Arnold Hill School (for whom it was written) with backing tracks for rehearsal or performance. price includes £1.05 VAT on the cassette. M013T £ 25.05 |
A dance musical in 3 acts which takes three fundamental scientific concepts and does unkind things to them. The riveting combination of wacky humour, clarity of subject and great musical numbers has an additional bonus - the dance element is a remarkably effective means of communicating a sound basic understanding of the scientific principles behind the Big Bang, the atom and the properties of some of the main elements. The performance lasts an hour and is an entertaining and imaginative way to enhance the teaching of science to top primary and secondary pupils.
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